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Agent Change Log

This page contains a summary of key version updates for the Ganymede Agent. Since the individual instances of Agents (connections) are not updated when the Agent is updated, this page can be helpful for determining the capabilities of specific connections previously installed.


  • Ganymede database tables can be accessed using Ganymede SDK
  • File watching is now event-driven rather than polling-based


  • Connection logs are now systematically recorded on method calls to ease debugging
  • Connection versions can now be remotely updated for non-major updates
  • Windows Agent Connection names can now have spaces
  • Performance improvements made to checking for file existence in Ganymede


  • Agent error messages are now more concise


  • Windows Agent installer file sizes reduced by ~30%


  • Connection configuration can be updated remotely from the Ganymede Cloud. For example, the input path being watched by the Agent can be updated remotely.
  • Added status redundancy check on separate thread to ensure accuracy of connection status and improve connection stability
  • Status checks performed over 443 rather that via ICMP


  • Version metadata added to logs and status pings


  • New virtualization agent type added for running flow action


  • Added method to permanently stop and disable a service in cases where Agent service requires manual intervention


  • Python version updated from 3.9 to 3.11


  • Local log files sent to Ganymede Cloud on start and Windows service events, to enable remote troubleshooting and monitoring
  • Closed connections marked as Shutdown rather than Disconnected in the UI


  • Health check added to Agent to check for network connectivity before attempting normal functionality


  • File tags can be added to files in the processor code using Ganymede SDK
  • Agent configuration can include file tags, which are incorporated on all files uploaded from the configured machine


  • Changes in Agent processor code and Agent configuration can be remotely updated
  • Virtualization Agent types introduced (for delivering data to and from Virtualization environments)


  • Initial Agent release
  • Agents are able to trigger processing based on file existence on a local machine, file presence in Ganymede cloud, or a cron schedule
  • Upon trigger, Agents upload files to Ganymede or execute flows on Ganymede